Music as a Source of Inspiration to unleash the path of Self-Expression.

Carnatic music is always an enlightening and empowering experience as it honestly conveys your creative ideas and moves you between emotions and moods. The captivating and incredible stories on Indian classical music demonstrates how the ancient musical tradition has thrived among multiple cultural influences and endured the test of time. It has inspired and inculcated the spirit of music among the younger generation. Let’s explore a few facets of its impact on learners and upcoming enthusiasts.

*Myriads of learning opportunities beyond singing:

This art form encompasses understanding its rich history and cultural significance which helps in strengthening learners’ cultural awareness along with language development.  Its plays a significant role in creating cross-cultural interaction to broaden students’ perspectives and be open-minded by mitigating the geographical boundaries through online platforms.  It has laid the foundation for connecting with friends and music enthusiasts in a more meaningful way thereby enhancing collaborative skills. These are invaluable life skills which will positively influence those associated with this artform to build strong self- identity and express themselves better.

*Improved Cognitive skills:

The challenging aspect of learning this art form is that it requires single-minded focus, dedication, and consistent practice, especially in a distracted world. Skills like memorising the lyrics, paying attention to the notes that are sung or played and problem-solving are an integral part of learning and they are refined every time when listened and sung. The auditory skills are fine-tuned with years of practice which also paves way for greater levels of proficiency. I am grateful to this art form which has an in-built system and structure to cater to the learners needs.

*Growth and a creative Mindset:

Surrounded by talks and books on the importance of mindset, Indian classical music is a hybrid platform offering the best of both mindsets. When we read about stalwarts and pioneers in several Indian artforms, I would say we have scratched just the surface on mindset studies and musician’s mindset are deep seated and extends further. It starts with cultivating self-discipline and taking responsibility for schedules and progress. This humble beginning has the power to shape you into something extraordinary.  With several years into it, it transports you into a different world altogether as the exemplification of the 5D’s of success. Among a generation seeking instant gratification, young learners can build grit and resilience to a very high standard.


It goes without saying that Comfy couches and addicting tech fits so well in the cadence of our every day. Forwards on Text neck syndrome and trigger thumb happens daily. A brilliant way in acquiring the key to happiness is to associate yourself with some form of music, thereby enhancing your lifestyle. Research has proved that music has a great impact on both the body and the mind. Either it be singing or playing an instrument, Music aids you to align your posture, build body awareness and the stamina to build and showcase a confident body language. Music acts as cue and helps you to manage your mood. Nature, an inexhaustible source for musicians, has assisted in establishing a true bond with music thereby emphasizing the quality of mindfulness.

From a holistic lens, wellbeing of children is at the forefront of any parent and Indian classical music provides this opportunity as it has the power to thrill, quiver and uplift our spirit.  Beyond its healing potential, music can augment the message of inclusion and diversity enriching the understanding and appreciation for different cultures.

Article Courtesy

Bhagyalakshmi Mulmudi

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